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Champions for the Unreached

The Alliance for the Unreached is about mobilizing believers across North America and beyond to ignite a fresh passion to reach people groups that have little or no access to the Gospel. If you belong to a like-minded ministry or organization you’re invited to become a “Champion Member” of the Alliance like those whose logos appear at right.

Champions for the Unreached

Champions for the Unreached are organizations that agree with and support the cause of reaching unreached peoples across the globe. Champions support the efforts of the Alliance for the Unreached to promote the cause of unreached peoples in a variety of ways throughout the year, including the annual International Day for the Unreached and the “Third of Us” social media campaign.

It is a blessing to partner together in the Great Commission! — Daren Beck, Action Int’l

Champions also receive listings on the Alliance websites, national conferences and various promotional tools. In addition, Champions are free to submit organizational videos that will be included on the Alliance website. The membership fee is $495 annually, and you can use the button below to pay for your organization’s membership.

Download a Copy of Our Memorandum of Understanding