Renew a vision of hope for all nations!
International Day for the Unreached is May 20, 2018
“With more than 2 billion people who haven’t had a chance to meet Jesus, it’s time … to take a radical stand and say ‘This has to end in our generation.” —Rick Warren, pastor and author
The first Pentecost marked the beginning of the gospel going to the farthest corners of the earth. The red dots in the map above show the work remaining to be done in reaching unreached peoples. Imagine a revived movement of believers reaching the farthest — and the hardest — corners of the earth for Christ until all have heard the only message that can give lasting hope. That is the vision of the International Day for the Unreached!
The Alliance for the Unreached is calling on churches, ministry organizations, radio and television stations and individual believers to be the voice of advocacy for people who have yet to hear the gospel.
Join Missio Nexus, Bibles For The World, Reach Beyond, Operation Mobilization, Mission Network News, Partners International, InChrist Communications, World Mission and ZimZam Global — and others — in taking a bold stand in calling all believers to reach the unreached with the good news of Jesus until every person has the opportunity to hear it.
Click Here to Watch the Replay of
Our 2017 Special 60-Minute Broadcast
With Special Guests David Platt and Phil Stacey!
Free Download: The Great Commission Action Guide
Here’s a great free resource with practical tips on how to live more passionately when it comes to sharing Christ locally and globally.
Read it.
Share it.
Live it.
NOW is the time to take action…
“In a season when there is heightened awareness of borders, walls, immigration, and nationalism, I am challenged by three realities:
- Our citizenship is in heaven. (Philippians 3:20) Countries rise and countries fade but the Kingdom where Jesus is enthroned is where my eternal identity belongs – and where God desires every person to belong.
- The number of people beyond the reach of the gospel is actually increasing every year. We are not keeping pace with the growth of the unevangelized.
- The power of prayer knows no boundaries, requires no visas, is not owned by any denomination or ministry, can reach atop the highest mountain, to the deepest valley, and into the darkest corner of every human heart.It is our privilege and responsibility to be a part of the beauty and glory of praying unevangelized people and the least reached peoples into this Kingdom. I am thrilled it is happening and glad to be a small part of it on Pentecost Sunday!”
Jason Mandryk
Operation World
Get Involved!
The mission to reach those who don’t know Jesus is best accomplished on our knees. When you join the International Day for the Unreached as an Advocate, you’ll receive access to a broad variety of resources that will help you share the story — and the plight — of unreached peoples. These exclusive resources include downloadable sermon guides, fact sheets, Facebook and Instagram posts, PLUS you’ll receive prayer-focused emails with stories of encouragement and prayer requests from each of the ministries of the Alliance for the Unreached.
You’ll learn specific ways to pray that Jesus be made known among all people. And you’ll engage with each of the ministries sponsoring the International Day for the Unreached with ways to get involved.
“Prayer is the mighty engine that is to move the missionary work.“ – A.B. Simpson
My name is Wayne Pederson, executive director of the International Day for the Unreached. I encourage you to join with thousands of Christian believers across North America and across the globe to take a stand for the 2 billion people in our world who have yet to hear of the love, forgiveness and grace of Jesus Christ.
Here you can join our Prayer Network for the Unreached. Become an Advocate and help promote the IDU in your church or community. Learn more about the ministries that are working on behalf of unreached peoples. Find resources that will help you do more to share God’s love where there are no believers, no Bibles and no churches.
Thank you for doing all you can on behalf of those who remain in spiritual darkness!
Wayne Pederson