A Third of the World’s Population is Still Waiting to Hear the GOOD NEWS About Jesus…

Join the ALLIANCE FOR THE UNREACHED today to help advance and accelerate the cause of reaching them with the Good News of Jesus! Please help spread the word that more than 3 BILLION people have never been exposed to the gospel message.




Your Gift Makes a Difference!

The Alliance welcomes financial contributions from individuals who wish to support efforts to reach the Unreached. Your help will spread the message about the cause of unreached peoples to churches and individuals across North America and across the globe.

Please consider helping with a gift today… GIVE NOW!

Download our FREE Great Commission Action Pack! It’s chock full of resources to help you observe the International Day for the Unreached and to help you participate in Great Commission ministry. Click here to download your Action Pack!


The Alliance for the Unreached is committed to financial transparency and is proud to have been awarded the Platinum Seal of Transparency by Candid. Click the seal to access our profile at the Candid website.

Our Mission

To bring awareness to the body of Christ around the cause of reaching all people without access to the gospel.

Our Vision

Gospel access for all people.

Our Motto

Introducing the unreached to Jesus by introducing you to the unreached.

International Day for the Unreached will be June 8, 2025

“With more than 3 billion people who haven’t had a chance to meet Jesus, it’s time … to take a radical stand and say ‘This has to end in our generation.” —Rick Warren, pastor and author




Our Motivation

The first Pentecost marked the beginning of the gospel going to the farthest corners of the earth. The red dots in the map above show the work remaining to be done in reaching unreached peoples.  The harsh reality is that a third of the world’s population has yet to hear of God’s love and forgiveness through Jesus… A third of us!


Our Mandate

Just before Jesus ascended back to the throne of the Father, He left us with two final messages…

“All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” — Matthew 28:16-20

“…but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” — Acts 1:8

Both of these messages had to do with our responsibility to take the gospel to those who have never heard. The unreached mean everything to God. They need to mean everything to us as well.

Imagine a revived movement of believers reaching the farthest — and the hardest — corners of the earth for Christ until all have heard the only message that can give lasting hope.  That is the vision of the Alliance for the Unreached…  And that is the message of our “Third of Us” Campaign.



The Manifesto for the Unreached

  1. Unengaged and Unreached People – We refuse to stand idly by as people enter eternity without Christ when we can share the good news that transforms them through any means possible. (Acts 5:40-42)
  2. The Weak and Infirm – We refuse to watch people for whom Christ died suffer in pain and poverty when we can help restore them in His name. (1 John 3: 17-18)
  3. The Resistant – We refuse to fear the darkness that entraps people when common sense says, “protect yourself.” We will put on the armor of God and pray fervently for the sake of the unreached. (Ephesians 6: 10-20)
  4. Partnership – We will release what God has given us to empower others to multiply God’s kingdom through The gifts He has given them. (Romans 12 :4-5)
  5. Technology – We will leverage, to the best of our ability, God’s gift of technology to reveal His eternal wisdom to those who have never heard the name of Jesus. (Habakkuk 2: 2-3, 2 Timothy 4:2)
  6. Resources – We will employ every resource, talent and ounce of energy God gives us to shine the light of His grace into the darkest recesses of the planet. (Matthew 25: 14-30)
  7. Declaration – We will shout from every peak, pinnacle and rooftop that the only hope for this dying world is a relationship with Jesus Christ. (Psalm 96: 2-5, Acts 4:12)

As long as God provides His abundant grace, we will not stop or be deterred from this calling. We work relentlessly for the day when a gaze around the expanse of heaven reveals thousands worshipping at Jesus’ feet because of the mission He gave us for this moment in eternity. (Revelation 5: 9-10)


Are You an Individual Who Wants to Help?
Become an ADVOCATE for the Unreached!

The mission to reach those who don’t know Jesus cannot succeed without prayer, or without strong ADVOCATES.  When you become an Advocate for the Unreached, you’ll receive special resources that will help you share the story — and the plight — of unreached peoples. Learn more about joining the growing network of churches and individuals who are Advocates for the Unreached!

Learn More About Advocates

Free Download

Download a great, free resource with practical tips on how to live more passionately when it comes to sharing Christ locally and globally. DOWNLOAD!