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Iraq has been a place of much conflict for many years but God is stirring in the hearts of the people there. This week Greg Kelley interviews a couple that has served in Northern Iraq for the last 10 years.
A recent Barna study revealed that the term “Great Commission” is not recognized by most churchgoers. In this episode, Greg Kelley gives you his insight on the pivotal verse, Matthew 28:10, which instructs us to “Go and make disciples of all nations.”
Mobilizing national leaders is the topic of this episode. Host Greg Kelley talks with one of his own colleagues from World Mission—Jerry Smith.
Partnership and collaboration are powerful practices in reaching the world for Christ. Larry Andrews, CEO of Partners International, is Greg’s guest and shares what God is doing as ministries to take the gospel to all people groups.
This week on Gateway to the Unreached Greg Kelley interviews Marv Newell, Senior Vice President of Missio Nexus.
Today, we’ll hear about the plentiful harvest. In this episode, Greg Kelley interviews Dr. Ferdinand Nweke from Nigeria, a country that has been rocked by violence against believers.