Home > Podcast > Ep 95: Hope for Afghanistan

Ep 95: Hope for Afghanistan

Posted on October 29, 2021

Today we talk about a country that’s been in the news lately. That country is Afghanistan.  Our guest today is going to reveal what’s really happening in Afghanistan and honestly, it’s going to be hard to listen to. 

Afghanistan has over 39 million people and of that number 98.8% is Muslim with .02% being Christian.

We know Afghanistan is a delicate subject right now but it’s also the center of the bullseye on why we exist as A Third of Us.  We exist to create awareness and to impact the third of humanity without access to the Gospel

Our host Greg Kelley had the deep pleasure to interview a man named John, who is a Christian leader closely tied to Afghanistan. He is doing tremendous work among Afghans both within the country and those fleeing to neighboring countries.

Please listen and prepare your heart for the hard subjects we will be covering today. And then maybe ask God what He wants you to do.  


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